
Map for Mountain Information Network report: Complacency


Avalanche date/time
Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 19:15
Estimated occurrence time of avalanche
Less than 12 hours ago
Number of avalanches in this report
2 to 5
The size of avalanche
Slab width
Run length
Avalanche Character
  • Deep persistent slab
Trigger type
Trigger subtype
Start zone aspect
  • NW
Start zone elevation band
  • Alpine
Start zone elevation
Start zone incline
Runout zone elevation
Weak layer crystal type
  • Facets
Vegetation cover
Open slope


Ventured out with some complacency into an exposed area. Freezing levels were forecasted to be around 2000m but a lot of cloud cover so we felt solar input would be minimal. Around 1pm things went blue and the heat from the sun was noticeable. We we were around 2200m at this point and although the snow was still dry it was feeling slightly more dense. Depth of snow was also ranging from 60cm-130cm (thick to thin). A few more steps into the thinner snow produced a large settlement. A few seconds later a second settlement followed that produced a fracture line 50m above us. The avalanche was slow allowing both of us to ski into safe zones with only one being partially buried.

2 additional size 1 avalanches were sympathetically released above.

The deep persistent layer has been quiet recently, and the skies have been sunny. Spring is in the air! We also had some friends ski this objective a few weeks ago(granted temps were much cooler then) All of which lead us to feel more confidant in the snow pack….human factors!

We hope this info keeps you from making the same mistakes we did. #keepthevibehigh