Panorama Ridge (Taylor Meadows)

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Panorama Ridge (Taylor Meadows)

Snow conditions

Riding quality was:
Snow conditions were:
  • Powder
  • Wind affected
We rode:
  • Mellow slopes
We stayed away from:
  • Convex slopes
  • Steep slopes


The day was:
  • Cloudy
  • Stormy
  • Sunny
  • Windy
Avalanche conditions
  • Whumpfing or drum-like sounds or shooting cracks.


Started at Rubble Creek parking lot, enough snow for skinning after about 5 kms. From Taylor Meadows snow was really nice, fresh 10-15 cm sitting on the crust. No avalanches spotted but whumpfing sounds all day long on very gentle slopes on the way to Panorama Ridge. Ridge itself was very wind affected.