Humbled on Corbin peak

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Humbled on Corbin peak


Avalanche date/time
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 13:00
Number of avalanches in this report
2 to 5
The size of avalanche
Avalanche Character
  • Persistent slab
Trigger type
Start zone elevation band
  • Alpine
Start zone elevation


On our approach to Corbin peak, we wrapped around the south ridge to climb the west face. After a quick assessment, we climbed the w face. As we got near ridge top I was the last person of the group. I triggered a size 2.5. Ran about 600m, was 100m wide and 40-60 cm deep over parts of our skin track. Luckily, I just dropped on the bed surface and watched the show...

We then proceeded to reach the ridge as we were feeling better about skiing down then walking back on similar aspects. First boarder ski cut a size 3 100m down from the summit. 150m wide and 800m long down 40cm, no involvement. So we enjoyed some bed surface and debris shredding.

We didn't feel too comfortable assessing the crown lines but would suspect the Jan 24/26 interface to be the culprit. Both bed surface had crust and appeared facetted.

Play safe out there, might not be all open season right now.