Spring has sprung 🌻😎

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Spring has sprung 🌻😎

Snow conditions

Riding quality was:
Snow conditions were:
  • Heavy
  • Powder
We rode:
  • Open trees
  • Steep slopes
We stayed away from:
  • Sunny slopes


The day was:
  • Sunny
  • Warm
Avalanche conditions
  • Rapid temperature rise to near or above 0°C or wet surface snow.


Warm day today so we planned to be done early and back home before the heat really kicked in.

We found dry snow on north aspects above 2000 m in the morning but it was quickly deteriorating and by the time we left it was starting to roller ball and become moist. We measured +10 at 1850 m! Some light gusts helped to stay cool but no snow was moving around.

On sunny slopes, there is about 5 cm of wet snow over several layers of crust which had not broken down by about 2 pm when we left.

We saw several small (size 1) and 1 large (size 2) wet loose avalanches from steep solar slopes with great visibility.