Alpen report. Big whumpfs.

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Alpen report. Big whumpfs.

Snow conditions

Riding quality was:
Snow conditions were:
  • Deep powder
  • Powder
We rode:
  • Cut blocks
  • Mellow slopes
  • Open trees
  • Sunny slopes
We stayed away from:
  • Alpine slopes


The day was:
  • Cloudy
Avalanche conditions
  • Whumpfing or drum-like sounds or shooting cracks.


Skinned up to Alpen on saturday. Biggest hurdle is actually getting there as mamaquam fsr is completely covered in soft snow, but was able to get to the entrance of Alpen with awd and good snow tires and parked near the burnt out car.

Dug a pit on open, sunny, sw aspect around 1300m, found 70cm new snow sitting on visible weak layers but no results in pit test (non conclusive), given the structure though we expected to see resettlements on this layer. We ascended some mellow open sunny slopes to test this hypothesis and we observed very large resettlements (whumpfing) in which the sound of resettlement could be heard propagating far up-slope.

We kept to mellow terrain. The powder was absolutely amazing.