Class 3 avy smokers bowl day old or so

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Class 3 avy smokers bowl day old or so


Avalanche date/time
Tuesday, December 24, 2019 at 14:33
Estimated occurrence time of avalanche
From 24 to 48 hours ago
Number of avalanches in this report
2 to 5
The size of avalanche
Avalanche Character
  • Deep persistent slab
  • Storm slab
  • Wind slab
Trigger type
Start zone aspect
  • E
Start zone elevation band
  • Alpine


we noticed this avy at sunrise this morning and it appears to be from Dec 24 or 25th at the latest as we were in the same area on the 23 with no avy activity. It appears a snowboarder triggered the avy from riders right of the slide where I have marked in red. The runout is quite extensive and the debris was over 2 meters deep where we probed. I hope the rider is ok as it was a considerable slide, propagated over a 100 m to the right and almost a meter thick in spots!

We also saw another avalanche further to the east on a slope we call little patagonia. a class 2 and appears to be older, within the past 3-4 days and appears natural trigger!

ps avy Canada it didnt let me leave the time and date empty so had to put something so disregard