Video peak triple

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Video peak triple

Snow conditions

Riding quality was:
Snow conditions were:
  • Deep powder
We rode:
  • Alpine slopes
  • Steep slopes
We stayed away from:
  • Cut blocks


The day was:
  • Cloudy
  • Foggy
Avalanche conditions
  • Slab avalanches today or yesterday.
  • 30cm + of new snow, or significant drifting, or rain in the last 48 hours.


Sc size 1 wind slab on video North entrance. Skied great until the choke which by the time I got there had washed down to an ice layer. I booted back up and we skied both the classic east-facing lines on video peak in deep low density powder.

Ctm 11 SP down 35 on a facet layer above recently buried crust on a steep solar slope at 2300 below video peak.

Compression tests on east facing slopes on approach to video had non planar failures within a slightly faceted layer under the recent HST (down 40).

Observed 1 other Na wind slab on the east side of Bruins ridge size 1.5 appears to have gone sometime the last 24 hours