Mountain Weather Forecast

Short break then rain returns

A ridge of high pressure will hold over central and southern BC today. However, the dry conditions with the ridge are short lived as another low develops and approaches BC on Tuesday and lingers on Wednesday through most of BC bringing rain with some potential for convection. Precipitation will taper off from north to south on Wednesday as another ridge holds sway. It will remain dry across most of BC on Thursday but precipitation will invade Yukon.

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Active Mountain Weather Forecast image loop for

The 500 mb charts depict a broad upper trough exiting southeastern BC as a ridge of high pressure asserts itself over central and southern BC today. An upper low originating over the Gulf Alaska slides along the Alaska Panhandle today to reach the Northwest Ranges tonight. The upper low will makes its way down the BC coast on Tuesday and into Washington State by Wednesday. An upper ridge will build over the North on Wednesday then expand to cover essentially the entire province Wednesday night. On Thursday, yet another low and trough along the Alaska Panhandle will erode the western flank of the ridge.

Forecasts and graphics produced by the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)