Spooky Remote Triggers

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Spooky Remote Triggers


The day was:
  • Sunny
Avalanche conditions
  • Slab avalanches today or yesterday.
  • 30cm + of new snow, or significant drifting, or rain in the last 48 hours.
  • Whumpfing or drum-like sounds or shooting cracks.


This incident and photos were reported second hand to the north rockies field team: avalanche remote triggered while skiing on adjacent terrain. This incident points to our persistent weak layer problem which includes the potential for remote triggering a slope above you even if you are in the flats or on mellow terrain. As you can see in the photos the debris crossed many previous sled tracks. We on the team are going to be extra cautious in the comming days avoiding any overhead hazard and big slopes that are 30 degrees or steeper.