Close call Brohm ridge

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Close call Brohm ridge



Group details

Total in the group?
People fully buried?
People involved?

Terrain details

Terrain shape at trigger point
Snow depth at trigger point
Terrain traps
  • Trees


First skier dropped in. After a while standing on top we had no signs of him exiting the run to where the sled was parked at the bottom. We radio contact with no response, voice contact no response. I made my way on a adjacent slope triggering a slab. Scene was safe to drop in

2 of us started the search while another one stayed on top for safety, every one turned into search. We both got a initial signal, fine search best reading was 1.9 m deep. Luckly we noticed the buried person had skis popping out of the snow still clipped in against a small tree. We extricated him, cleared his airway and started CPR as he was unresponsive, non breathing and really Cyanotic.

Performed CPR for 10 min, got a pulse and he started breathing. He regained consciousness after another 10 min. He was able to stand uninjured. With the assistance of a group of sledder we brought him back to the cabin where Search and Rescue took over. He is doing good. Most likely a small slab triggered above him, knocked him down and ended up head first into a tree/well.

Big thanks to the Cabin team for the help and Search and Rescue. Pretty lucky outcome