
Map for Mountain Information Network report: Whumpfing

Snow conditions

Riding quality was:
Snow conditions were:
  • Powder
We rode:
  • Open trees
  • Steep slopes
We stayed away from:
  • Convex slopes


The day was:
  • Cloudy
Avalanche conditions
  • Whumpfing or drum-like sounds or shooting cracks.


Skied a NW facing slide path. Many settlements and shooting cracks on the skin up between 1800-2000m on W-NW facing terrain, mostly on steep convex rolls in the trees. About 40cm of unconsolidated snow sits on facets above an older hard layer (Jan 25th) - cracking in the snowpack was down on this layer. Nothing moving, and settlements pretty localized to around the skier.

Supported terrain skied very well, and no results to ski cuts on steeper rolls. The snow on top of the Jan 25th layer just isn't yet settled enough to be any sort of slab worth mentioning, but might be an uglier problem once winds pick up and redistribute the snow.