Mt Mackenzie East face

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Mt Mackenzie East face


Avalanche date/time
Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 12:00
Number of avalanches in this report
The size of avalanche
Run length
Avalanche Character
  • Wind slab
Trigger type
Start zone aspect
  • E
Start zone elevation band
  • Alpine
Start zone elevation
Start zone incline
Runout zone elevation
Wind exposure
Cross-loaded slope
Vegetation cover
Open slope


Arrived at the top of Mt Mackenzie shortly after a group cut across the steep upper slope of the East face of Mt Mackenzie on their way to the top of Thumbs up. Another group we talked to up there confirmed that they had just witnessed the folks triggering the small slab that entrained a lot of snow running all the way to the bottom of the face and up a ridge feature at the bottom. Healthy size 2 deposit. Could have been a serious ride and possible burial if they had gotten caught. Luckily nobody was at the bottom when it happened. Fracture line not seen on photo (shady area) but part of the deposit is visible in the sun lit area of the run out zone. The last member of that party is seen in the sun on the ridge near the entrance to Thumbs up (left in photo).