Timber Wolf

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Timber Wolf

Conditions de neige

La qualité du hors-piste était:
Nous avons parcouru:
  • Pentes alpines


La journée était:
  • Nuageuse
Conditions d'avalanche
  • Avalanches de plaque datant d'aujourd'hui ou d'hier.


Highlight of the day was seeing a black wolf behind Mt.Renshaw! (Sadly no photo). Riding quality was best in sheltered areas as the recent winds had created quite a stiff slab in open and exposed areas that wasn't as fun to ride. There was still soft snow to be found in certain less wind affected spots though. We saw one size 2 wind slab avalanche that had released in steep terrain out of a NW facing chute (Photo 1). We put some sled cuts into some small steep wind loaded test features and had no results or cracking.