Acrade Slide

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Acrade Slide



Détails du groupe

Nombre total de personne dans le groupe ?
Nombre de personnes entièrement ensevelies ?
Nombre de personnes impliquées ?

Détails du terrain

Forme du terrain au point de déclenchement
Épaisseur de neige au point de déclenchement
Piège naturel
  • Transition de pente ou replat


Skiing quality in upper third of slope was amazing, Ski pen. of 75cm low density 100-120kg/m3, as the treeline opened up a hard slab was felt, in trying to get away from it i initiated the slab, (in the middle of the slab) it ran fast and solid, was only able to go straight. When seeing the road, i chose not to pull my air bag and ride it out. but try to jump onto the road to try and get away from the terrain trap.

Was about a 10m drop on to the road, wasnt able to keep my feet underneath me. at this point the debris started to pile up around/over my shoulders, crushing me down. I fought as hard as i could with my chest and arm that was free to try and create a pocket of air and some room to breath. After 5-7min (felt like forever) my two friends were on my with their transceivers, i calmed them down and took another 15-20 min to dig me out! very thankful for my friends knowing what to do and i hope more people can learn from my mistakes!!