You don’t know, ‘til you go

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: You don’t know, ‘til you go

Conditions de neige

La qualité du hors-piste était:
Les conditions de neige étaient :
  • Croûtée
  • Durcie
  • Affectée par le vent
Nous avons parcouru:
  • Pentes alpines
  • Forêt dense
Nous sommes restés à l'écart de:
  • Pentes convexes
  • Pentes raides


La journée était:
  • Froide
Conditions d'avalanche
  • Whoumfs ou bruits sourds ou fissures qui se propagent.


They say you don’t know until you go, so we went to the Anzac to find out whats going on in an area we rarely visit. We left the truck all bundled up with temperatures down at -26. The shallow snowpack below tree line left us fighting through walls of alder and Christmas trees on our skin up. As we broke through into more open spaces we found the snow had be blasted by wind. Previous northerly winds had formed hard wind slabs on south and west slopes. Meanwhile, westerly winds from today were moving what soft snow was left into thin slabs in pockets and lee slopes that cracked under our skis. Despite poor ski conditions we decided to take advantage of moderate hazard and clear skies. We pushed into the alpine trying to avoid areas where the new slab was deeper or the snowpack changed quickly from thick to thin. After a quick pause on the summit, we had the challenge of survival skiing back down to the warmth of our truck!