Multiple sz 2.5-3 Avalanches Blackcomb Glacier

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Multiple sz 2.5-3 Avalanches Blackcomb Glacier


Date/heure de l'avalanche
jeudi 27 avril 2023 à 01 h 00
Estimation de l'heure d’occurrence de l’avalanche
> 48 heures
Nombre d'avalanches dans ce rapport
6 à 10
Taille de l’avalanche
Longueur d'écoulement de l'avalanche
Caractère de l'avalanche
  • Plaque persistante
Type d'élément déclencheur
Versant de la zone de départ
  • S
  • SO
Bande d'altitude de la zone de départ
  • Alpin
  • Limite forestière
Date d'ensevelissement de la couche fragile
vendredi 31 mars 2023
Type de cristaux de la couche fragile
  • Grains à faces planes
Croûte près d'une couche fragile
Exposition au vent
Pente chargée latéralement
Couverture forestière
Pente dégagée


Starting the evening of Wednesday April 26th and through today, multiple sz 2.5 - 3 Na persistent slab avalanches have released along Phalanx ridge above the Blackcomb Glacier. Most notable was a sz 3 out of Boney Basin which occurred Wednesday evening during the beginning of the warming trend (see photos). Husume, Corona, S-turn and the poop chutes have also ran naturally sz 2.5-3 over the last couple days. Photos attached have been taken by ski patrol documenting the activity which has mostly occurred between the late morning and late evening daily over the last few days. We have also seen Na sz 2-2.5 avalanches running in Lakeside Bowl and have documented up to sz 3 avalanches occurring in Garibaldi provincial park as observed from the ski area. Please pay attention to the current SPAW - there is an active/ongoing wet loose/wet slab/persistent slab natural avalanche cycle occurring in the backcountry.