When In Doubt, Lock 'Em Out

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: When In Doubt, Lock 'Em Out

Conditions de neige

La qualité du hors-piste était:
Les conditions de neige étaient :
  • Croûtée
  • Poudreuse
  • Affectée par le vent
Nous avons parcouru:
  • Pentes alpines
  • Pentes convexes
  • Pentes raides
  • Pentes ensoleillées


La journée était:
  • Froide
  • Ensoleillée


Skied Storm Mountain South face today. Temps stayed pretty cool all day, sun was turning top 1-2cm moist but crust stayed supportive even to boots at valley bottom by 16:00. Travel up the firebreak and through the forest/drainage was excellent in and out. In the alpine average 10 up to 15cm fist snow with slight wind affect on top but didn't degrade ski quality at all. Top 100m of skiing off the summit was thin but supportive, hidden shark took me to yard sale city and my ski straightline the entire face... I proceeded to one ski side slip the entire face but my partner said it was great skiing. When in doubt lock 'em out.

Previous cycle from the last warm spell had produced up to size 3 wet loose to ground on steep rocky solar aspects. No new naturals observed since the most recent snowfall.

One large deep persistent (>48) on steep north facing couloir lookers right of the ice climbs on the outlier between Storm and Stanley(Stormly?). Must be good to go I guesssss as we observed a solo skier booting up it at 15:30??