- Soumis par
- jamesminifie
- Date d'observation
- jeudi 21 janvier 2021 à 19 h 00
- Localisation
- 60.234071° N 134.655775° W
- Rapport concernant
- Conditions de neige
Manteau neigeux
Conditions de neige
- La qualité du hors-piste était:
- Excellente
- Les conditions de neige étaient :
- Croûtée
- Durcie
- Poudreuse
- Affectée par le vent
- Nous avons parcouru:
- Pentes alpines
- Pentes convexes
- Pentes raides
- Pentes ensoleillées
- La journée était:
- Ensoleillée
- Chaude
- Conditions d'avalanche
- Whoumfs ou bruits sourds ou fissures qui se propagent.
Stayed north along the corridor today. Climbed to an alpine peak under sunny skies and calm winds. -2 at 1600m! Snowpack is variable with all surfaces having some level of wind affect. We had to adjust our route many times to avoid large, steep slopes at tree line that were frequently producing deep, widespread, new underwear whumps. This route was tricky and required high level decision making and very nuanced terrain management. I would avoid it unless you have extensive experience. I got lucky at least once today. I would be weary of large, steep, connected slopes that did not avalanche in Monday’s storm on the north section of the highway corridor between the Wheaton and Powder Valley.