Skier accidental avalanche on Quartz Hill, Banff NP

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Skier accidental avalanche on Quartz Hill, Banff NP


Date/heure de l'avalanche
samedi 8 février 2025 à 22 h 00
Estimation de l'heure d’occurrence de l’avalanche
> 12 à 24 heures
Nombre d'avalanches dans ce rapport
Taille de l’avalanche
Épaisseur de la plaque
Largeur de la plaque
Longueur d'écoulement de l'avalanche
Caractère de l'avalanche
  • Plaque persistante
Type d'élément déclencheur
Sous-type d'élément déclencheur
Versant de la zone de départ
  • NE
Bande d'altitude de la zone de départ
  • Alpin
Altitude de la zone de départ
2 530m
Inclinaison de la zone de départ
Type de cristaux de la couche fragile
  • Grains à faces planes
Exposition au vent
Pente sous le vent


Avalanche occurred on February 8, 2025. Reported that the first person was still on the slope as the second person started down. Unsure where the slope was triggered from. At least one person rode to the bottom of the debris but stayed on the surface. No injuries and the group was able to ski out on their own.

The avalanche appeared to involve a steep 48° roll at the top that was mostly faceted and failed as a sluff/soft slab down to a deep layer of facets. The main slab failed lower on the slope at an angle of 43°. The slab was made up of 20 cm of recent soft snow over a 30 cm hard slab with a very weak layer of persistent facets 50 cm below the surface. Unsure of the date of the buried weak facet layer. HS was 170 cm at the fracture line.

If possible, please report any avalanches near ski areas to the local ski patrol so that they know what happened and whether or not anyone needs assistance.