Skier Remote Sz 1.0, Hermit Moraines

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Skier Remote Sz 1.0, Hermit Moraines


A Parks Canada field team was in the Hermit Moraines area and remotely triggered a small avalanche in steeper terrain adjacent to their intended profile site. The crew was about to start digging when the heaviest member stepped into the snowpack with a boot pen of 60cm and set off a large whumph and a crack 10-15m on either side of the group's location. The avalanche was 70cm deep, 8m wide, and ran 30m.

A new profile site was chosen:

2050m, E asp, 35 dgr, HS 215cm

CTM (RP) dwn 75cm on FC 2.0 (facet layer above the Feb 3 crust)

PST 63/100 END dwn 75cm

RB4 WB dwn 75cm

Another group that descended from the Lil Sifton Traverse triggered another size 1.0 in a similar terrain feature.