Finally winter returns

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Finally winter returns

Snow conditions

Riding quality was:
Snow conditions were:
  • Crusty
  • Powder
  • Wind affected
We rode:
  • Convex slopes
  • Dense trees
  • Mellow slopes
  • Open trees
We stayed away from:
  • Alpine slopes
  • Steep slopes


The day was:
  • Cloudy
  • Stormy
Avalanche conditions
  • 30cm + of new snow, or significant drifting, or rain in the last 48 hours.


Finally! A proper winter day out in the Shames BC.

At Valley Bottom I measured 22CM of storm snow on-top of 16cm of Facets, all overlaying the Feb 09 crust.

Light WSW winds are forming soft slabs in immediate lees.

Couldn't get any cracks to propagate with ski cuts.

Sluff is running fast, far and entraining lots of snow in steep features, especially where the new snow overlies a suncrust.

First skier will get good turns but there won’t be much left for the next person.