Yanks Peak

Map for Mountain Information Network report: Yanks Peak

Snow conditions

Snow conditions were:
  • Crusty
  • Hard
  • Powder
  • Wind affected
We rode:
  • Dense trees
  • Mellow slopes
  • Open trees
We stayed away from:
  • Alpine slopes
  • Convex slopes
  • Cut blocks
  • Steep slopes
  • Sunny slopes


The day was:
  • Cloudy
  • Cold
  • Stormy
  • Sunny
  • Windy


We rode a tour through Round top area then crossed over to Yanks peak cabin. Rode dense trees towards the Hampton trail and Breakneck. Noticed large slab avalanche on the southern face of Round top peak. And larger avalanche on a steep bowl from yanks cabin towards Hampton trail. Attempted to go through Breakneck but heavy snowfall turned us back around to the stop sign. Snowfall half the day was little round balls like hail.