At Avalanche Canada, we are committed to continually developing effective products that serve backcountry users and keep us on the cutting edge of global public avalanche safety. To do this, we need your help. With support from the Avalanche Research Program at Simon Fraser University (SFU), we are working on creating a community of backcountry users to share their experiences and insights with us. The information provided by the research panel will directly help us to improve how our products and services keep people safer in the mountains.
Who Should Join?
You should! We're looking for a group that accurately represents the people who choose to travel in avalanche terrain in winter. We need users who can represent all the kinds of people who use the backcountry—that means hearing from people from all experience levels and who take part in all types of backcountry winter sports. Whether you check the forecast every day or you've never opened an avalanche forecast, we're equally interested in what you have to say.
We know that everyone has different goals and considerations when they travel in the mountains. By providing information about what you do out there and how you prepare, you can help us to make sure our products work for you. Anything you choose to share with us will only be used to help us understand what Avalanche Canada could be doing better.
Why Join?
- Help to improve and shape the future of public avalanche safety products and services
- Learn more about avalanche safety and the new products we are creating
- Be eligible for prizes
What To Expect if You Sign Up
People involved in this project will receive regular emails from Avalanche Canada with invitations to participate in short studies, such as surveys or interviews. You don’t have to participate in every study and you can opt out at any time.
If you’re interested in taking part, click the “Sign Up” button below to complete the registration survey. It typically takes 10-30 minutes to complete, with more experienced participants needing slightly more time to enter their information. You will be able to access this registration information in your account settings, in case you run out of time or want to update your answers.
We’re grateful to everyone who gets involved. Your insights will help us make changes that can make backcountry safer for everyone.
Before signing up to the User Research Panel, you must first login with or create an Avalanche Canada account.