Résumé de l'incident
- Date
- 2024-02-24
- Location
- Gardiner Creek
- Location Description
- Within Castle Wildland Provincial Park, approximately 40 km west of Pincher Creek
- Province
- AB
- Coordinates
- 49.35867 °, -114.52119 °
- Elevation
- 2080 m
- Activity
- Snowmobiling
- Involvement
- 2
- Injury
- 0
- Fatality
- 1
- Description
- A group of snowmobilers triggered an avalanche at the head of Gardiner Creek, in the Castle Wildland Provincial Park. One person became stuck while riding a slope in the mid to lower portion of the avalanche path. A second person attempted to help the stuck rider when the avalanche was triggered. The second person was able to escape but the first was fully buried by the avalanche. The size three avalanche measured approximately 200 m wide and ran for approximately 250 m. The crown depth was approximately 40 cm. The avalanche is believed to have failed on a layer of faceted crystals on a crust that was buried at the start of February. Despite conducting a companion rescue search, the group was unable to locate the buried victim and rode out to call for help. Search and Rescue located the buried victim the following day and they were found to be deceased.
Date/Heure | Taille | Type | Déclencheur | Altitude | Versant | Largeur de la plaque | Épaisseur de la plaque |
Température actuelle | Température maximale | Température minimale | Tendance 24h | Vitesse du vent | Direction du vent | Condition du ciel | Type et intensité des précipitations |
- | -2.4 | -3.2 | S | - | - | - | NIL |
Commentaire météo: Approximately 8 cm new snow occurred in the morning prior to the avalanche.
Manteau neigeux | Neige 24 hrs | Neige de tempête | Date de la tempête |
- | - | - | - |
Date du document | Titre | Source | |
2024-03-12 | Weather graph 17-Feb to 24 Feb 2024 | Gardiner Headwaters weather station - Alberta Climate Information Service | Vue |
2024-03-25 | Looking down on the deposit | Southwest Alberta Regional Search and Rescue | Vue |
2024-02-25 | Overview of avalanche | Southwest Alberta Regional Search and Rescue | Vue |
2024-02-25 | Overview of avalanche | Southwest Alberta Regional Search and Rescue | Vue |