Sz 3 Avalanches in Garibaldi park.

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Sz 3 Avalanches in Garibaldi park.


Date/heure de l'avalanche
jeudi 27 avril 2023 à 19 h 00
Estimation de l'heure d’occurrence de l’avalanche
> 12 à 24 heures
Nombre d'avalanches dans ce rapport
2 à 5
Taille de l’avalanche
Caractère de l'avalanche
  • Corniche avec plaque
  • Plaque persistante
Type d'élément déclencheur
Versant de la zone de départ
  • N
  • NE
Bande d'altitude de la zone de départ
  • Alpin
  • Limite forestière
Altitude de la zone de départ
1 800m


Two notable avalanches seen in Garibaldi Park, viewed from a distance. These are in addition to numerous smaller slides, which were mostly loose wet and small cornice fall.

One slab avalanche on the NW pointing spur from Corrie Ridge, just above treeline on a NE aspect.

One large cornice-fall on Panorama ridge, with debris running full path.

Estimate both to be Size 3, and would guess they occurred within the last 48hrs.

Pin-wheeling, point releases and entrainment prevalent at all elevations.

Also, several Sz2+ loose-wet observed in Lakeside Bowl, DOA, and SW facing side of fitzsimmons creek/watershed, with some running to valley bottom.

Looks like biking season has begun!