Storm's no Jokely

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Storm's no Jokely

Conditions de neige

La qualité du hors-piste était:
Les conditions de neige étaient :
  • Croûtée
  • Poudreuse
  • Affectée par le vent
Nous avons parcouru:
  • Pentes de faible inclinaison
  • Forêt dégagée
Nous sommes restés à l'écart de:
  • Pentes alpines
  • Pentes raides


La journée était:
  • De tempête
  • Venteuse


Winter is back, and it's about time. Today, we visited Mt. Cokely to investigate how the storm is playing out. We were pleased to see snow falling at around 1000 m and staged just past the 6-kilometre mark. Road travel by sled is possible from this point, and a few tire ruts carried on past the gate.

The snowpack is about a meter deep at the top of the old t-bar. About 10 cm of new snow had fallen by 1 PM, on top of a supportive 5 cm crust. Due to the strong winds, the depth of the new snow was variable, but pockets of 30 cm could be found. In exposed areas, the crust was visible on the surface.

We noted shooting cracks and small chunks of slab releasing under our feet as we carefully skinned around avoiding avalanche terrain—signs of a rapidly building storm slab, on top of that slippery crust. The weather forecast seems on track at the moment, yeehaw. We will be back to summit another day!