Bow Summit Study Plot

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Bow Summit Study Plot


S'agit-il d'une observation ponctuelle ou d'un résumé de votre journée ?
Observation ponctuelle
Altitude au-dessus du niveau de la mer
2 040m
Bande d'altitude
  • Limite forestière


The first image is the Bow Summit study plot snow profile for January 18, 2023.

The second image is a table showing the past 10 years of total snowpack height (HS) at Bow Summit for mid-January.

1. Notice how this is the most shallow year in a decade.

2. Years 2019 - 2022 stand out as good years - the past four winters were good ones.

3. The ten-year average for mid-Jan is 100 cm, we are currently 77% of the average.

4. Shallow snow = weak snow as temperature gradient creates facetting (weakening).