- Soumis par
- northrockiesfieldteam
- Date d'observation
- vendredi 25 février 2022
- Localisation
- 55.394007° N 122.731573° W
- Rapport concernant
- Conditions de neige
Conditions de neige
- La qualité du hors-piste était:
- OK
- Les conditions de neige étaient :
- Croûtée
- Durcie
- Affectée par le vent
- Nous avons parcouru:
- Pentes alpines
- Pentes convexes
- Pentes de faible inclinaison
- Pentes raides
- Pentes ensoleillées
- La journée était:
- Froide
- Ensoleillée
Today we went to Mt. West. The little snow that did fall from the last storm was mostly blown away leaving exposed areas at tree line and alpine scoured back to the most recent crust from the middle of February. This made for variable riding, and we had multiple spin outs during the day. We saw an older wind slab avalanche from roughly a week a go and some more recent wind slabs from the last day or so. These were very small with only 10-15cm of snow that had been deposited by wind at, and just below rollovers in the terrain. We took advantage of some smaller “test slopes” to trigger more wind slabs with our sleds. For now, these small avalanches aren’t a hazard, with more snow and wind they will get bigger and have a nice icy surface to slide on.