Skier involvement off dome above waterfall

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Skier involvement off dome above waterfall



Détails du groupe

Nombre total de personne dans le groupe ?
Nombre de personnes entièrement ensevelies ?
Nombre de personnes partiellement ensevelies avec une respiration normale ?
Nombre de personnes non blessées (emportées mais non ensevelies) ?
Nombre de personnes blessées (emportées mais non ensevelies) ?
Nombre de personnes impliquées ?

Détails du terrain

Forme du terrain au point de déclenchement
Épaisseur de neige au point de déclenchement
Piège naturel
  • Transition de pente ou replat


Group of 5 was headed to waterfall off the dome. Group Intended to ski the east wind scoured slope down to the dome/east ridge saddle as a safe route to waterfall. Widespread heavy wind transport was observed off the dome being deposited on SW to SE slopes. Poor group communication during very high winds led to group heading down SE slope off dome slightly skiers left above waterfall. Aspect was alternately wind scoured and loaded across terrain features. First skier ski cut a size 1.5 wind slab starting about half way down the slope but stayed above it. Second skier tried unsuccessfully to ski cut wind slab on upper slope, and on second turn triggered the slab with a crown ~18 inches thick that started 6-10 feet above him, carrying the person down the slope. Skier pulled airbag, stayed on top, and was able to ride away.