No two turns the same

Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: No two turns the same

Conditions de neige

La qualité du hors-piste était:
Les conditions de neige étaient :
  • Croûtée
  • Durcie
  • Lourde
  • Poudreuse
  • Affectée par le vent
Nous avons parcouru:
  • Pentes alpines
  • Pentes convexes
  • Forêt dense
  • Forêt dégagée
  • Pentes raides
  • Pentes ensoleillées


La journée était:
  • Ensoleillée


No two turns the same today in Elkford.

The wind has had its way with all but the most sheltered of terrain. Expect some sun crusts on steep southerly slopes as well. Although we didn’t get any actual results in our snowpack tests, the variable skiing (grabby, soft, crusty etc.) demanded a cautious approach. Surface hoar is growing where there is valley cloud, which sat between 1700-2000m while we were out there. It was up to around 3 mm long. We skied the track and runout of an avalanche path, avoiding the start zone because it looked like there would be wind slab, and possibly shallow enough for the deep persistent problem.