
Carte pour le rapport du Réseau d'information en montagne: Gnarnia

Conditions de neige

La qualité du hors-piste était:
Les conditions de neige étaient :
  • Poudreuse abondante
Nous avons parcouru:
  • Pentes alpines
  • Pentes convexes
  • Forêt dégagée
Nous sommes restés à l'écart de:
  • Pentes convexes
  • Pentes ensoleillées


La journée était:
  • Froide
  • Ensoleillée


Beautiful day in Gnarnia via tracked quad to end of Beta Lake Road. There was one other group of 2 out who put a great skin track in to the first area of Gnarnia trees.

We rode said treed run, then skinned to the col/ridge below Little Knuckle and skied back to the bottom of Gnarnia. We observed no signs of instability during the day. It was cold and dry.

We dug a 140cm pit at the MIN location, N aspect, 35* slope. Pre storm crust 75cm down. Photo of crystals from that layer. Snow depth 270(!) at that location.

CTH25 RP @ 46cm down, small mid storm crust layer.

CTH28 RP @ 75cm down

We replicated these results in a second column, CTH23 RP @ 46cm down, CTH25 @ 75cm down.

Snow temp was -15C 10cm down and -6C 75cm down.